§ 10-3b-506. Election of officers after a change in the form of government.  

Latest version.
  • (1) If voters approve a proposal to change the municipality's form of government at an election held as provided in this part, an election of officers under the new form of government shall be held on the municipal general election date following the election at which voters approve the proposal.
    (2) If a municipality changes its form of government under this part resulting in the elimination of an elected official's position, the municipality shall continue to pay that official at the same rate until the date on which the official's term would have expired, unless under the new form of government the official holds municipal office for which the official is regularly compensated.
    (3) A council member whose term has not expired at the time the municipality changes its form of government under this part may, at the council member's option, continue to serve as a council member under the new form of government for the remainder of the member's term.
    (4) The term of the mayor and each council member is four years or until a successor is qualified, except that approximately half of the initial council members, chosen by lot, shall serve a term of two years or until a successor is qualified.
Enacted by Chapter 19, 2008 General Session